Data Liberation in 2024

The digital landscape is evolving, and with it comes the vision of a more open web, a space where users have the freedom to seamlessly switch between platforms, unencumbered by the limitations of closed systems. The dream where data liberation is not just a possibility but a reality is the driving force behind the latest initiative announced for 2024. In a bid to make migrating to or from WordPress a breeze, this new endeavor aims to establish WordPress’ export format as the universal language for all Content Management Systems (CMS).

One-Click Freedom

Imagine a world where migrating your site to WordPress or exporting your content from it is as simple as a single click. This is the future envisioned by the Data Liberation initiative for 2024. The goal is to get rid of the need for duplicating efforts across the WordPress community by fostering collaboration and resource sharing. The hope is to create community-owned plugins, workflows, tutorials, and helper scripts that streamline the migration process, making it accessible for everyone to use no matter their skills.

Shared Resources

The initiative doesn’t stop at plugins; it extends to sharing workflows, tutorials, and scripts. By pooling such resources, the community can collectively enhance the migration experience, covering a spectrum of scenarios, from moving between social networks to transitioning from a page builder to core blocks. The focus is also on improving WordPress’ existing canonical plugins for importing, ensuring a comprehensive and user-friendly migration framework.

Call to Action

The heart of any open-source project lies in the strength of the community behind it. The call is out for contributors to join this groundbreaking initiative, creating a new path for collaboration separate from core teams. This project is envisioned to become a valuable resource, with contributors sharing their knowledge and creations to assist others in making a smooth transition to or from WordPress.

Key Success Factors

To ensure the success of this ambitious project, a few key elements have been identified:

  • Dedicated Landing Page A dedicated landing page on, following a[platform-name] format, will serve as the central hub for information and resources.
  • Community Interaction A forum for non-review user feedback and general discussion, along with a dedicated Slack channel, will facilitate real-time communication and collaboration.
  • Swift Moderation Moderation within hours, rather than days, will keep the momentum going and ensure a responsive and dynamic community.
  • GitHub Integration Listing the project on WordPress GitHub with syncing for individual commits to SVN will provide a comprehensive history of contributions and changes.

Collaborative Momentum

By complementing existing community efforts, such as the Five for the Future program, the Learn WordPress initiative, and the ongoing focus on internationalization, the Data Liberation project aims to inject fresh momentum on upcoming WordCamps and meetups around the world. The emphasis on improved portability is not just about convenience, it’s a step towards championing openness on the web and offering users unprecedented freedom.

In a time where the web is central to our daily lives, the push for data liberation is more crucial than ever before. The initiative for Data Liberation in 2024 is a beacon of hope, rallying the community to come together, share knowledge, and build a more open and accessible web for everyone to enjoy. As the community embarks on this journey, the possibilities for a liberated digital future are limitless.







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